Wednesday, February 25, 2015

ONTOS's Most Wanted

Once in a while we like to check back and see which postings have attracted the most attention; here are the top 50 or so in chronological order:

- "First Post" HERE.
- "Detective Fiction — Private Detective vs. Private Eye" HERE.
- "Julian Symons Reviews Robert Barnard's A TALENT TO DECEIVE" HERE.
- "Random Internet Comments By and About Poe" HERE.
- "A Collection of Edgar Wallace Thrillers" HERE.
- "A Shilling Shocker" HERE.
- "The Correspondence School Detective" HERE.
- "A Brilliant Storyteller" HERE.
- "The Voice of Experience: Valentine Williams on 'Shockers' " HERE.
- "The Dilettante Sleuth Par Excellence" HERE.
- " 'A Strange Medley of Stage Realism, Fantasy, Farce, and Tragedy' " HERE.
- " 'A Deliciously Complex Mystery' " HERE.
- " 'Measuring the Shudder' " HERE.
- "Hoch's Locked Room Winner" HERE.
- " 'Try to Look Harmless' " HERE.
- " 'Lynx-eyed Science' and the Talking Dead Men" HERE.
- "Van Dine's Detective Novel Lecture" HERE.
- "Two Ragtime Era Mysteries by Women" HERE.
- "Sherlock's First Theatrical Outing" HERE.
- "Who's the Better Detective, the Professional or the Amateur?" HERE.
- " 'A Book Remarkable for Completeness, Accuracy, and Infallible Soundness of Judgment' " HERE. This one has been the most popular of all.
- "Not Quite So Idiosyncratic" HERE.
- " 'A Suspension of Disbelief Is Required' " HERE.
- "A Defense of the 'Puzzle Novel' " HERE.
- "Surely You've Heard of Bernard Capes" HERE.
- "Brief Notes on Gaboriau" HERE.
- " 'A Chastened and Far More Palatable Character' " HERE.
- " 'It Is a Better Novel Than THE MURDER OF ROGER ACKROYD' " HERE.
- " 'The Interest of a Detective Story Is Therefore Intellectual and Not Emotional' " HERE.
- " 'The Author's Ingenuity Is Great, but . . .' " HERE.
- " 'Puzzle Plots Are Nearly Completely Absent' " HERE.
- " 'From Thrilling Scene to More Thrilling Scene, We Hurry' " HERE.
- " 'The Author Outdoes Himself in the Number of People Upon Whom He Brings Suspicion' " HERE.
- " 'It Shows Just How Bad a Detective Story Can Be' " HERE.
- " 'The Whole Sherlock Holmes Saga Is a Triumphant Illustration of Art's Supremacy Over Life' " HERE.
- " 'A Well-paced Story That's Loaded with Action, Suspense, a Great Puzzle, and a Lot of Humor' " HERE.
- " 'Scenery Is Delightful, Writing Good, Sleuth Clever, and Criminal Elusive' " HERE.
- " 'The Hero Is Attractive, the Action Sufficiently Brisk, and the Surprise at the End Quite Satisfactory' " HERE.
- " 'As a Detective Story This One Is Almost Clever Enough To Be Called Brilliant' " HERE.
- " 'Simply One More Instance of an Author Who Shirks a Technical Difficulty' " HERE.
- " 'It Is a Negligible Affair, a Chip in Porridge, an Eloquent Sermon on the Old Text' " HERE.
- " 'These Stories Are, Altogether, More Amusing Than Intriguing' " HERE.
- " 'Although This Is an Eccentric Book, It Has Plenty of Plus Points' " HERE.
- " 'A Thoroughly First Rate Detective Story, Rapid, Absorbing, and Credible' " HERE.
- " 'Pages of Ghosts, Spirits, and Criminals' " HERE.
- " 'Witty, Decorously Exciting, and Brilliantly Written' " HERE.
- " 'What Good Is a Mystery Yarn If in Retrospect It Is Illogical and Silly?' " HERE.
- " 'There Is Even a Twist at the End, As If There Were Anything Left to Twist' " HERE.
- "Often by and Sometimes about Vincent Starrett" HERE.
- "Murder on the Final Frontier" HERE.

Category: Detective fiction

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