Friday, March 7, 2014

Watch the Birdie

By E. W. Hornung (1866-1921).
McLeod & Allen.
1911. 346 pages.
Online HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Hornung didn't just write about Raffles:
"The Camera Fiend," by E. W. Hornung, is a sensational account of the experiences of a conscientious and asthmatic schoolboy, who, by a disconcerting train of incidents, comes very near to death—not by asthma. He falls in with a doctor who holds theories respecting the departure of the soul from the body and strongly desires to photograph that departure. Naturally he has difficulty in finding a subject. Man and boy provide some genuine excitement, but we know that Mr. Hornung can do better than this. — THE BOOKMAN [U.K.] (April 1911)
Tony "Pocket" Upton is almost seventeen-years-old, a student at a resident school in England, and has suffered from asthma as long as he can remember. Pocket makes regular overnight trips into London to meet with his doctor. But this last trip is one that he'll always remember.
Even though the book is written about a teenager, it felt like it was meant for adults. There are so many twists and turns and surprises in this story. Very suspenseful. The author did a very good job of slowly deepening the plot and pulling me into the story. — Lanelle, GOOD READS (September 26, 2013)

Category: Detective fiction

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